Saturday, September 29, 2007
Today was supposed to meet chee cho and rui liang at 1:oopm at dhoby ghaut mrt station control. But then me and chee cho were late. We reached at about 1:40pm like that. Then rui liang got to wait for us at there because he reached rather early. After which, we went to catch a movie at the cathay building. We watched the Shoot 'Em Up movie. Hmm, the show okay lar. Some parts were funny lar. After movie, we shopped around at plaza singapura there. Then we decided to go to suntec city cos we wanna play the arcade games. Haha, the 3 of us played a lot of car games. The 2 guys were so pro lar and lost to them. Haiz...Headed to pepperlunch for our dinner. Hmmmm, then we felt like playing pool after our dinner. Den went marina square to play pool. The place was super crowded and there was no more pool tables for us to play. Yeap, so we waited for about 10 mins like that and luciky one group left and we can play our pool. We played for about 2 games like that because rui liang is working tml. In the first round, i paired up with rui liang and challenge against chee cho. Haiz, both of us lost to him. However in the second round, i paired up with chee cho and played against rui liang. Initially, both of us think we are gonna lost to him cos he got in 4 balls and we haven't got in any balls. However, luck is on our side. We win rui liang finally. Oh yar, chee cho was so funny when playing pool just now cos he hit until the balls went out of the table. Pro rite? Makes me and rui liang keep laughing non-stop at him lar. So we headed home after our pool session. Haha, i love playing pool nowadays...=)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I woke up quite late today because i was playing auditionsea quite late the night before. In the afternoon, we planned to play pool at downtown east. I met up with shuzhi ahyi at khatib bus stop. From there, we took bus 39 to pasir ris. After that, we changed to another bus to arrive our destination. In the end, me and shuzhi ahyi arrived early so we waited for my two mummies to arrive. After that, we headed to KFC as my 2 mummies have not taken their lunch yet. Me and shuzhi ahyi had our lunch at home. So i just went to buy ben & jerry's ice-cream as i am craving for it. Pool was okay lar. Still need rooms for improvements. Haha, yeap yeap.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Today went back to school at about 12 noon like that to return the donation cards. Have my lunch in school instead. After lunch, i went back home. At night, i meet up with ziwei mummy, denna mummy and shuzhi ahyi for dinner at amk hub. We dine at the nebo cafe because they have a nebo membership card and there is discount when ordering the food. After dinner, we went to arcade to play games. We play games such as daytona and other car racing games. I love daytona. Haha, we also play basketball. At first, we wanted to play about 2 rounds like that. However, ziwei mummy placed her card in her pocket and the sensor detects the card. Lol, i think we play about 17 games of basketball in total. Had a fun day sweating out when playing the basketball but it is tiring. Guess that's all for my day=)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Today is my 19th birthday. Finally, i am one year older and that means i am getting older day by day. I want to remain in my sweet 17. However, life still got to go on. In the morning, i went to work. Initially, i am posted to this company called Merck Sharp & Dohme (IA) Corp and was supposed to work on 19th September only. However, the company extend my contract to 21st September. Work was not that bad at all and finished my work at about 5:30pm. After that, i went to meet up with ziwei, denna, shuzhi, kian tong, quentin, benn, wendy and joseph at novena mrt station control. They bluffed me saying we are dining at the united square foodcourt lor. In the end, we went to a korean restaurant called "My Mum's Cuisine". Yeah, i love korean food and their culture alot. Food was rather okay. At the restaurant, they all played a game with me by giving me 4 options with A, B, C and D and asked me to choose one option that will lead to the key to my birthday present. Of course, i happily choose option D because D stands for Dionne which is my name. The outcome of choosing D means ending the game and could not get the key. Luckily, i was given another chance this time round and i choose option B instead. The outcome of option B was that the key was in somewhere and that means i have to guess where's the key. Lol, it was in ziwei's bag. In it, i found a card that says menu for the day. I wonder how come there's a menu in their bag. I read it and it was a birthday card meant for me. Inside the birthday card, they wrote a poem for me. The poem was so funny and yet creative. All thanks to denna and kian tong idea for coming up with this birthday card. Now, i have to guess my birthday present with the poem written to me in the card. Took me a long time to guess what is that. Haha, my birthday present was an elmo stuff toy and they knew i loved it. Was rather touched by their efforts and celebrating my birthday. After dinner, we went to shop a bit. Halfway, they blindfold me and told me there's a surprise. The suprise was that they bought me a birthday cake at bakerzin. Ooh, the birthday cake was a tiramisu cake and that is my favourite. Thanks guys for everything and celebrating my 19th birthday. It was indeed a sweet and yet memorable 19th birthday for me.

Sunday, September 09, 2007
Happy 19th birthday to lobbie and eunice. Haha, one year older now.Indeed, time flies really very fast. On lobbie birthday, me met up with the rest of the pple at toa payoh mrt station control at about 5:45pm like that. Yeah, i was early this time again. After which, we headed to pizza hut for lobbie birthday celebration. The reason why we put it at pizza hut is beacuse lobbie wanted to have it on her birthday. Initially, we wanted to go Kbox after the celebration. However, it was rather expensive and not everyone could afford it as it was a saturday night. So we went to play arcade after. Then on eunice birthday which is on the 9th sep, i met up with shuzhi, shuzhi bf, benn, quentin and the two mummies at far east plaza. We met early bacause we haven't got eunice present yet. We shop around far east for her present and we decided to get her a starfish pendant. After that, we went to takashimaya four leaves and bought a small piece of cake for her. Then we take a bus to clarke quay from orchard as we were meeting euncie directly at about 3:30pm. Haha, we went to eat pepperlunch and have a small birthday celebration for her. Yeah, i am rather broke these two days as we spend quite an amount of money on lobbie and eunice birthday celebartion. And 11 more days to my birthday. Haha, i want to stay forever young.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Haha...Left four and a half months and i would have a piano. I wanted a piano badly since young. I decided to buy a kawai piano and the model would be a k-8 piano. But i think i would get a second-hand piano. I'm eager and counting day by day. Below is a picture of the piano model that i want.

Monday, September 03, 2007
Hmmm...Today went for two interviews with lobbie. Wanted to have a change of job preference such as admin work instead of sales line. Meet lobbie at the bus stop opppsite phs at about 1:30pm like that. Haha, i was not the one who is late this time. Yeap, that lobbie was late. Ooh...These few daes have been raining heavily. Hate to bring an umbrella out. Yeap yeap, me and lobbie took bus to raffles place cos our first interview was at standard chartered bank. After the 1st interview, we took the MRT to orchard as our 2nd interview was at takashimaya office towers. After that, i'm in for a shopping spree with lobbie. Went to have our dinner first at kobayashi which is loacted in cineileisure. After that, we headed to hereen. In the end, i bought a blouse at valerie(heeren). The blouse cost about $40. And while shopping, i saw a number of np friends. Think that's all for my day yea. Nitez=)