From young till now, i had been an avid listener of Symphony 92.4. When most people heard classical music, they would find it boring and would want to sleep. For me, it's different. I had been listening to classical music when i was young. When my mum send me to attend ballet lessons, the music that is used for ballet is classical music. And that's how i was influence to classical music. Right after my polytechnic graduation, it's my dream to play classical music on instruments such as piano and violin. Whenever i listen to any classical music pieces from Mozart, Brahms and etc, i would respond positively to music such as swaying to the music. I remember when i was young, I would go to my ahyi house quite frequent. Well, her house has a piano and there's some music scores. With no one teaching me piano, i would try my best to decipher the notes from the music scores. However, i would only know how to play abit on my right hand. I had no idea on how to play together with both my hands. From that, i told my mum at a later age that i want to learn piano and ask her to get me a piano. She thought that i am a person who will give up easily. Even now, i would ask her to buy a piano for me. She would say the piano is very expensive and could not afford it. Now, the passion of playing classical music on piano is with me and will not give up easily to pursue my dream to become a musician someday. I would say it's never to old to learn muisc and must have the determination to perserve no matter what circumstances.
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend and I told her I could not move on with life still because I believe in this phrase,"Before you can love someone else, you have to love yourself first." And she was pondering on why we should love ourselves first before loveing others. Something happened to me 8 years ago and this incident has gave me a fear of relationships because i could not love myself still. Self love forms the foundation of your single, most important relationship - that with yourself. The strength of all other relationships is exactly equal to the strength of that foundation. To love youself is not simply a self esteem boosting piece of advice. It is the prerequisite to truly loving others.
Self love is not about being arrogant, selfish, self-centred or egotistical. It is not about comparing yourself to others to determine if you are good enough. It is not about always putting yourself first. It is not about always getting your way. It is not about always winning.
Well, the true meaning of self love are described below. To love yourself is to be awe of the miracle of your existence. It is to accept youself as you are - the light parts and the dark - and to love them both equally. It is to be willing to receive as much as you are willing to give and do both equally. It is about knowing your values and your boundaries and honouring them. It is about teaching others how to treat you by showing them how you treat yourself. It is about being kind to yourself. It is about looking after your mind, body and spirit. It is about knowing you are worth it, not because of what you have achieved or what you look like or what others think of you, but because love is your birthright no matter what.
To give love, we must first have love. To have love, love youself. Only then will we be able to truly love others for the pure joy of loving them. Self love is a win-win for all. It provides us with an inner happiness, confidence and peace of mind that is not easily swayed by outside events and opinions. It enables us to make healthier choices and the best decisions across all aspects of our life from our intimate relationships to our finances. It allows us to be more genuinely loving towards others and to be of greater service to the world at large.