Took this quiz in facebook called "What string instrument are you? Below are my quiz results.
You are a up-going person, and you love the upper strings.
Took this quiz in facebook called "What string instrument are you? Below are my quiz results.
You are a up-going person, and you love the upper strings.
Right now, i'm awating for my graduation ceremony which i think it would be held in may. Another thing i'm elated is regarding about my application as a relief teacher. My application status shows: Your application for registration as a relief teacher is successful. And this is my second attempt to apply for relief teacher. I failed on my first attempt. Persistance is what everyone should cultivate in their life. Don't give up if things doesn't go your way. Work hard towards your goal that you want in your life. Yesterday, i attended piano lesson for the first time in my life. Piano is an instrument that i yearn to learn since young. My first piano lesson was fun and yet interesting. And i was feeling tense as my hand touched the piano keys. So to all those fortunate children whose family let them learn at a very young age, cherish the experience of learning piano while others don't get to.
Another issue, I've come to conclusion that my sibling are rather selfish. Shall not describe too much.